Saturday, January 12, 2008

gbr 16 sin 17

weird title but only a few will get it.


new zealand,germany,canada,holland,thailand.
has been really tiring switching from 420-29er
trying to put on weight and lost 5kgs in canada.
Did 27 fuckin' crazy races at 420 worlds in nz
and it was blowing 18-27knots, got introduced to
the 29er and 25-35min races in germany. Pumped
like a dog in holland and i can say that was the
hardest ive gone. The most difficult competition was
sea games, those arseholes were so light and fast.
Most unexpected win was aussie nationals, scariest
race was the last one in Canada, 29er. 27knots.

The competition i sailed with the most distraction
could be sea games, 29erworlds coming close. The best
part of 2007 sailing was winning all the 420 comps
7 of them last year. The most tiring month of physical
trng was sept. The highest my heartrate went was 206
on the bike, the highest average heart rate was 172
in a 22 min cycle. Okay this is getting so boring.

Had a social meltdown in mid november and couldnt
have fucked it up any better. and as i said ive achieved
all my goals that i set out so im not complaining,



cold weather sailing strong winds 29er. need i say more?.
anyway the aust trip was really shitty, we had like shit
food everyday and i was suppose to pay for my own
GATORADE and BARS which i didnt, used the money to
buy cheesecake and cookies instead.

been splurging recently, need to sell some of my sailing stuff
to earn it back. might be involved in some hobie-420 sailing
this two weeks, will see how it goes. doubt school is gonna be fun.

checking in to hostel tmro night , this is when it all starts.

tim you just had to send me this pic right?

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